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Vastu for BUSINESS

Posted on April 28th, 2023 05:05 PM

Business is not just an office with staff employed over there and work for the firm, it is indeed the bread and butter of many. Not just the entrepreneur but business of source of bread butter, employment, etc. to so many people who are directly and indirectly engaged with it. Different types of business have different requirements, suiting according to the nature of business. Work done under a firm is always beneficial for all the people engaged with it, so it is important to look after prosperity of each and every person giving their time, efforts, dedication and hard-work to that particular business.

 At time lots of business have many constrains and one can’t breach them and mostly those constrains are because of orthodox thinking, work pressure, material quality, workers demand, material demand and supply, etc. which barricades the success path of the firm and the people working in it. Vastu for business open ups all the paths of success breaching all the constrains mentally and physically.  After all using the scientific values and guidelines of Vastu Shastra will be benefited in every aspect for your business. Vastu is for the grades, all the work, any nature of business, for all the employees, everything which is involved in business.

ØLet the sales person increase your business facing north or east direction.

Ø  Let the entrepreneur have stability sitting at South-West/ South and increase his profits by facing North or East.

Ø  Provide more quick sales to your finished products/materials by placing them at the North-West direction of your shop/office/factory.

Ø  Let your receptionist welcome your guests and clients facing North or East

Ø  Placing of 7white horse’s pictures at MD’s room is always very auspicious.

Ø  Let the real fragrances of flowers set the positive aura in your working spaces providing positivity and prosperity to your business. Time to push out the plastic flowers from your spaces.

Ø  Let the God bless you and your business from the North-East direction of your office.

Ø  Entrepreneur of every business should have a rectangular or square shaped table as their working space.

Finance is the soul of every business, client is the heart of that business, entrepreneur is the mind of business and employees working for that firm are the working arms and legs of that particular enterprise. Hence, it is important to look after each and every aspect and part of the business through the lens of Vastu Shastra guidelines to maintain the balance between all and get the enlightened bright prosperity and long lasting life of your business. 

- Richa Harsh Adattiya 

(Astrologer, Vedic Numerologist & Vaastukar)

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