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 Introduction Healing Crystals  – The magic of crystals are directly from the beneath of earth. They may have been formed in rocks deep beneath the Earth’s surface, or they may be survivors of mountain – building episodes or devastating volcanic eruptions or they may have been washed into rivers streams to be retrieved may be millions of years after their formation. Healing crystals are here to bless and heal us, our planets and our life. The immense power of healing stones heals our planets and life only if, they are being placed at their respective direction after they are energized. They also take place of few of the semi-precious stones. Apart of healing and spiritually, healings stones are inseparable part of trendy and stylish fashion as well. They groom your fashion statement with style, luxury and royal touch. They can be worn or kept according to your birth sign (rashi) , to achieve the maximum benefits of the healing crystals.

Rose Quarts: Keeping rose quarts in you improves your relationship, family terms, brings harmony at home. Medically it helps with diseases of the heart, blood and sexual organs, refines the senses. They should be kept in their particular direction to achieve the fullest of benefits of the stone.

Clear Quarts / Spathik : These stones have a fortifying effects, helps concentrate energy and manage one’s energy. It promotes calm and level head attention. It is very good for achieving peace, meditation and calmness. Medically it helps in reducing fever, stabilizes the blood pressure and clears the atmosphere in the room.

Tiger eye stone: Tiger eye stone is stone with lots of energy within, it enhances quick intellectual grasp and well thought action. It relieves pain, regulates the adrenal glands; helps with acute asthma attacks.

Yellow Citrine : Gives courage to face life, uplifts the financial positions, helps in fighting depression. It promotes determination and ability to deal with confrontation. Medically it fortifies the stomach, spleen and pancreas, has a warming effect and enhances performance.

Yellow Jasper : Yellow jasper containing limonite promotes perseverance and tenacity. It helps digest experiences and endure frustrating experiences. It builds up a stable long term immune protection, aids digestion, purifies and firms up the connective tissues.

Pyrite Agate Silver : It helps in purification, helps overcome heaviness and strain. It hikes up the income and financial status of the person.  It prompts to tackle unpleasant situations. It promotes purification and lymph flow, stimulates the liver, improves elimination and accelerates healing process.

Pyrite Agate Gold: Pyrite has long been valued as a strong protection stone that shields the wearer from negative energy as well as environmental pollutants. Thus, this stone helps promote physical well-being as well. Stimulating the second and third chakras, pyrite enhances strength of mind and willpower.

Red Jasper : Red jasper makes you courageous, dynamic, gives energy and calms your mind. It gives courage for unpleasant tasks and makes you spiritually alert. Medically it stimulates blood circulation, keeps your mind calm and out of fears.

Amethyst Quarts : Improves your financial position. It brings sobriety, purity, composure, calmness. It helps overcome habitual tendencies and addictions. They are good for the lungs, large intestine and skin. It also alleviates itching and sunburn.

Moonstone: Moonstone bestows depth of feeling. It gives strength to your unsaid emotions, handle your mood swings well and brings emotional stability in your life. It brings hormonal cycle in harmony with natural rhythm, helps with problem during menstruation, after childbirth and menopause.

Moonstone Rainbow: It helps express and implement feelings. It broadens the horizon and helps remain realistic at the same time. It stimulates the hormonal glands, boosts fertility and helps with problems during menstruation and after childbirth.

Green florid: It aids creativity and dissolves blockages. It intensifies emotions and mood, making them obvious. It helps in attracting money. It brings ideas and good intellectual grasp. Aids detoxification, helps with arthritis rheumatism, gout and fungal infections.

Black lava stone: It promotes movement, self-perception and awareness of one’s well-being and good condition. It makes you determined. It protects you from negligence and hollow compromises. It relaxes the organs of the lower abdomen, eases stiff muscles and warms the limbs.

Black onyx: Black onyx has a calming quality, which can be beneficial in working with challenging emotions such as grief and anxiety. Black onyx also helps to balance yin and yang. It helps us to feel cantered, make wise decisions, and get to the root cause of issues.

Black tourmaline- It is popular for its strong protection and purifying qualities. It protects against negative energies, psychic attacks & harmful people. Black Tourmaline activates & energizes Root Chakra and brings grounding and balance. It aids in cleansing the aura and draws out any feelings of stress and anxiety.

Garnet Stone: Garnet activates and balances the Root Chakra, detoxifies the blood, and keeps the heart-healthy. Garnet benefits are innumerable. It enhances the strength of the spleen, lungs, and cures injuries to the spine. It also reduces depression and as per ancient beliefs, the Garnet stone protects the wearer from poison.

Carnelian Stone : A stabilising stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.

Lapis Lazuli – It attracts money, brings in a good hike in your income. It promotes honesty, dignity, friendship and sociability. It helps you tell the truth and accept the truth. It somehow increases the power of acceptance. It helps with the problem of throat, larynx, vocal cords, nerves and brain; regulates the thyroid glands.

Labradorite stones: This stone boosts your self-esteem, confidence and help with distrust and fears. It enables assessing the value and importance of situation. Enhances energy distribution in the body, strengthen the spleen, pancreas and the vegetative nervous system.

Amber white: It brings joy, kindness & happiness in your life. It makes your carefree, brings well-being and helps realign extremes. It promotes success in your life. It is good for the brain, heart, nerves, heart, lymph and hormone system, helps with hoarseness and sore throat.

Black obsidian: It blocks all the negative energies beside you. It unblocks your blocked money easily.  It helps integrate one’s dark side, activates untapped abilities to work. It is one of the best rescue remedy for shock, traumas and blockages. Eases pain, tension and constriction of the vessels and enhances blood flow and wound healing.

Selenite Stone: It has shielding, control, strong hold on life. It helps with stimulus satiation, eases stress, and brings emotional stability. It calms the nerves, improves movement and helps with motor and coordination disorders.

Sun Stone : It turns attention to personal strengths and the sunny side of life. It helps dissipates fear, anxiety and depression. It gives the feel of optimism. It harmonises the vegetative nervous system and the inter play of the organs.

Sulemani Hakik: A bright coloured or multi-coloured Sulemani indicates high quality. This stone renders the wearer internal quietude and strength, which is beneficial in fighting stress. It helps in maintaining contact with divine forces and enkindling spiritual awareness. It also helps in hormone secretion which further helps in conceiving.

Firoza Stone : Firoza strengthens relationships and acts as a protective shield for the wearer. It brings immense clarity and precision to the inner thoughts of its wearer. Turquoise gemstone helps in maintaining stability and concord in married life by infusing deep understanding in partners. It attracts money and prosperity.

Aquamarine Stone : It is iron containing beryl, blue to green. It helps with allergies, hay fever, problems of the eyes, respiratory tract, thyroid gland and bladder. It clears up confusion, helps to bring unfinished business to a conclusion and strengthens your decision.

Green Aventurine: Green aventurine is a crystal for grounding and stability. If you have a tendency to overthink or ruminate over situations and get stuck in your mind, green aventurine will help bring you back to your physical body and your connection to the Earth. It calms your mind and body. It does helps in attracting wealth.

7 chakra stones: 7 chakras to help you regain balance and energy. Crystals can help amplify the positive effects and energy intelligence of essential oils. Use these tumbled chakra stones to help you regain balance and energy as you focus on each chakra. Keeping 7 chakra stones at home brings in the positive aura and atmosphere. It calms the energies with positivity and meditative vibrations.

Nav-ratan : The healing energies of the Navratna ring/ bracelet  benefit people suffering from chronic diseases, anxiety, and stress. Wearing Navratna stimulates strength to enable quick recovery from existing ailments as well as protects from various other diseases. 

Disclaimer: Rudraksha/ gem stones / healing stones wearing are a matter of faith and belief. All information provided is based on the scriptures, published books and individual experiences. RH Rudraksh guarantees the quality of the beads, gem stones and healing stones but, not the effects. Wearer's discretion is advised.